Reflections from Loran Volunteers

Patti Pon, President & CEO, Calgary Arts Development
“Loran is a unique organization because it is not just about a scholarship—it’s very much about connecting and creating a community of changemakers. My involvement with Loran leaves me feeling inspired and hopeful because I can see that there are so many amazing young people in our country who want to make a difference. Serving as a Loran interviewer restores my faith in people.”

Mike Johnston, CEO, REDspace Inc. & Loran Board Chair
“I have served Loran in almost every volunteer role available for over 20 years, and each has brought me joy. With my volunteer and philanthropic pursuits, I’ve always been drawn to causes that foster potential, and Loran has proven successful at identifying and unlocking the potential of young Canadians who are capable of transforming our country for the better. Loran is a force multiplier for good, and I am grateful to play a part in its work.”

Judy Whitford, Indigenous Language and Culture Coordinator, Yellowknife Catholic School Board
“Hearing the stories and experiences of our youth is inspiring. It makes me commit to being part of a program and process that provides opportunities to further develop their skills, gifts, and talents. I believe my contribution to Loran is valuable because it is important for our youth to see themselves at every step in the interview process – a shared commonality is how we find place and belonging.”

Charles Achampong, Author and Keynote Speaker
“As a Loran interviewer, former board member, and business leader who has hired alumni of the program, I am continually inspired and energized by the incredible talent, ambition, and dedication I see in Loran Scholars. Engaging with these exceptional young individuals not only enriches my own understanding of the world but also allows me to learn from their resilience, innovation, and drive.”

Louise Chagnon-Bucheit, President of Board of Directors, Festival Bach de Montreal
“Serving as a Loran interviewer and mentor is important to me because it gives me the opportunity to support and guide promising young Canadian students in their educational and personal growth. Interacting with these exceptional young individuals inspires me and keeps me connected to the aspirations and ambitions of the next generation.”

Sara Napier, President & CEO, United Way Halifax
“Loran has given me the opportunity to speak with incredible young people who are thoughtful, principled, and excited to grow in their leadership and community contribution. I am endlessly impressed and inspired by the character, empathy, and vision they all bring to the table, and in turn the massive, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for growth the Loran Award generously provides. Meeting and mentoring young people truly touches my heart, and knowing that Loran is committed to long-term support and growth of values-driven leaders is an incredible gift to the future of humanity.”

Paul Larocque, President & CEO, Arts Umbrella
“From my first day of interviewing back in 2003, I was hooked. I remember calling someone immediately afterwards saying, ’I just had the most remarkable, inspirational day.’ Now more than ever, our world is truly in the hands of our youngest citizens, and given everything we are experiencing, we look to them with so much expectation. Loran volunteers, therefore, have a unique and powerful opportunity to make a difference in Canada and the world by finding and nurturing the promise of character in young Canadians.”